React Lifecycle Methods: ComponentDidMount
The componentDidMount() lifecycle method is called immediately after a component is mounted or, in simple terms, when that particular component or page is in use or in focus or in…
The componentDidMount() lifecycle method is called immediately after a component is mounted or, in simple terms, when that particular component or page is in use or in focus or in…
As a software developer, there are times when you may need to set background image for your application based on the app requirements, React Native allows you to set background…
The React Library allows you to define components either as classes or functions. These components allow you to split your UI into independent, reusable pieces, and help you think about…
React Native’s AsyncStorage provides a light storage system where you can both store and retrieve stored items. But what happens when you no longer need these items in the storage?…
Usually in Java when we work with numbers, we will represent these numbers with any of the available primitive data type, such as int, byte, long, short, double, float. Example…
When working with React, in this case React Native, there are times when you might need a value to be globally accessible by a particular component and you, for some…
The rest parameter is an ES6 syntax that is used to represent an indefinite number of elements as an array. See arrays in Java Example It can also be used…
The AsyncStorage presents a simple and elegant way for React Native developers to store and retrieve data. We’ve already covered what AsyncStorage is and how data can be stored. Now…
The AsyncStorage lets you store some reasonable amount of data on users’ device. Let’s see how we can make that demonstration: The first thing is to add AsyncStorage to your…
According to the React Native docs, AsyncStorage is an unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent key-value storage system that is global to the app. This means that data stored in AsyncStorage can be…
Java provides the StringBuffer and String classes. The String class is used to manipulate character strings that cannot be changed. To put it simply: objects of type String are read…
The XMLHttpRequest is a Javascript object that is used to interact with web servers. The XMLHttpRequest() is a Javascript function that makes it possible for developers to fetch XML data…
If you are writing a web application, there is every possibility that at some point you will have to work with external data. This can be data from your own…
A switch statement gives an expression a value to evaluate and several different statements to execute based on the value of the expression. It is a useful alternative to the…
Web browsers generally have consoles, which are interactive command lines where you can print text and test pieces of code. This is where, for the most part, you’ll be debugging…
Pure Functions A pure function in Javascript is one that given the same input will always return the same output and does not have any observable side effect. This means…
In a return statement in Java, we evaluate expressions, and as part of this evaluation, other methods may run in the process and types must match otherwise an error occurs.…
Modifiers are keywords that are added to variables, methods and classes to change their meaning. There are two (2) types of modifiers: Access modifiers Non-access modifiers Access Modifiers There are…
A loop statement allows the programmer to execute a statement or group of statements multiple number of times, based on the given conditions. Let’s take a look 4 types of…
Given the amount of security breaches that go on everyday, there is hardly any security-conscious developer (or any developer for that matter) that will say that security isn’t important. In…
Arrays refer to a sequential collection of elements of the same type. It is used to store a collection of data. Unlike Javascript where an array can hold many elements…
Throw Throw is a keyword that is used in Java to declare an exception which is similar to the try/catch block. It is used to declare an explicit exception inside…
Unlike logical operators which connect two or more expressions, relational operators test and establish some type of relation between two or more operands. There are six (6) relational operators, which…
Template literals allow for embedded expressions and help to solve the complex concatenation problem. They are enclosed by a back-tick character (the button just below the escape key on your…
“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.” — Harold Abelson, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Logical operators are generally symbols or…
Network scanning is the process of identifying, analysing and fixing loopholes and vulnerabilities in a network to prevent a malicious attacker from gaining access to your network system. For a…
The box shadow property in CSS is used to cast shadow on the frame of elements. It has the following syntax: -webkit-box-shadow /* Safari, iOS */ -moz-box-shadow /* Firefox */…
A function is a group of reusable code that can be called anywhere in your program. Functions eliminate the need of writing the same code again and again. Functions also…
React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created and developed by Facebook, Inc. It is used to develop native applications for Android, Android TV, iOS, macOS, tvOS, web, windows…
Inheritance in programming is the process whereby one class (also called a sub-class) acquires the properties (methods, fields, etc) of another (in this case a super class) using the extends…
An exception is a problem that arises during the execution of a program. When an exception occurs, the normal flow of the program is disrupted and the program or application…
Arithmetic operators are used in mathematical expressions much the same way they are used in algebra. Here’s a list of them: Addition (+): Adds the values on either side of…
We’ve all been harassed with the following request: This website uses cookies … Please accept to continue … Oh yeah! Cookies are data that are collected from websites that you…
Arrow functions, also called “fat arrows” were introduced with ES6 as a new syntax for writing Javascript functions. By utilising a token (=>) that looks like a fat arrow, they…
The Array filter method is used to check against a given condition.
A recursive function is one which defines a problem in terms of itself. A recursive function calls itself directly or indirectly until it is stopped. If it is not stopped,…
Object oriented programming is a way of writing code such that different objects (instances) are created from a single object (blueprint). Each created instance usually have properties that are not…
Humans can use technologies in either harmful or helpful ways. And while, as a software developer, you are legally not responsible for the actions of people who use your applications,…
Also known as ECMAScript 6, ECMAScript 2015 or Javascript 6, ES6 is a version of Javascript that was introduced in 2105. ECMAScript (ES) is a scripting language specification standardised by…
A recursive function is one which defines a problem in terms of itself. A recursive function calls itself directly or indirectly until it is stopped. If it is not stopped,…
Var Declaration Before the introduction of ES6 in 2015, var was the go-to way to declare variables in Javascript. Example: But because variable declarations are processed before any code is…