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As a software developer, there are times when you may need to set background image for your application based on the app requirements, React Native allows you to set background image for your app nice and easy.

Let’s see how.

First, you need to import the ImageBackground component from React Native like so:

import React from "react";
import { ImageBackground, StyleSheet, Text, View } from "react-native";

Secondly, you need to import the image that you want to use as the background like so:

import image from 'assets/images/image.png';

This example references the image path assets/images/image.png, this gives the folder path where your image is stored and you can adjust yours accordingly.

Finally, you add your image to the background using the ImageBackground component like so:

 <ImageBackground source={image}>

Full code

import React from "react";
import { ImageBackground, StyleSheet, Text, View } from "react-native";
import image from 'assets/images/image.png';

class YourClassName extends Component {
<ImageBackground source={image}>

export default YourClassName;


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