Also known as ECMAScript 6, ECMAScript 2015 or Javascript 6, ES6 is a version of Javascript that was introduced in 2105.

ECMAScript (ES) is a scripting language specification standardised by ECMA International. It is used by applications to enable client-side scripting.

ECMA stands for:

European Computer Manufacturers Association

ES6 has some of the following features:

  1. Support for constants.
  2. Block scope.
  3. Arrow functions.
  4. Extended parameter handling.
  5. Template literals.
  6. Extended literals.
  7. Enhanced object properties.
  8. De-structuring assignment.
  9. Modules.
  10. Classes.
  11. Iterators.
  12. Generators.
  13. Collections.
  14. Built-in methods for classes
  15. Promises.

Consider this way of declaring a function in vanilla Javascript:

function myFunc(){
//do something

In ES6, we would use an Arrow Function like so:

myFunc = () =>{
//do something here

In Summary …

ES6 is all about simplicity and efficiency. But if you are just starting out in Javascript or thinking about it, it is a good idea to go through the ‘Vanilla’ way first so that you can understand the core concepts of the language.

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