
Understanding SQL Injection Attacks

Understanding SQL Injection Attacks is very paramount to building a secure web application. SQL injection is an attack in which…

4 years ago

What is SSL?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It provides a secured and encrypted layer of privacy to web applications. SSL can…

4 years ago

Create a Diamond-shaped Image in CSS

It is very common to see cropped images in diamond shapes in visual design. But is it possible to create…

4 years ago

Create Diagonal Stripes in CSS

We generally encounter striped design in most websites, magazines and flyers. But a diagonal stripe in CSS? How is that…

4 years ago

Guide to Using React Native WebView

WebView is essentially a component that is used to load a web pages in your React Native project. WebView sometimes…

4 years ago

Function Parameters in PHP | Fast & Easy

Function parameters in PHP are small units of a program which can take some input in the form of parameters…

4 years ago

PHP Arrays

An array is a data structure that stores one or more similar type of values in a single value. For…

4 years ago

PHP Sessions: Count Number of Site Visits

Sessions in PHP are a way to make data accessible across the various pages of an entire website. It is…

4 years ago

Create a Login Form With Node.js & MySQL

In our previous example, we saw how we can create a registration form using Node.js and MySQL. Using that same…

4 years ago

Create a Registration Form With Node.js & MySQL

A registration form is used to collect data from potential users of your website. This is necessary, especially if you…

4 years ago

Node.js: Working With Modules

Modules are generally set of functions that you can include in your application. These could be built-in functions that are…

4 years ago

Getting Started With Node.js

Created by a Joyent software engineer Ryan Dahl in 2009, Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform runtime environment for creating…

4 years ago

What is REST?

REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. REST is a system that allows users to request information from a server via…

4 years ago

Javascript: Class Inheritance

Inheritance is an important concept in Object Oriented Programming. Inheritance is the process whereby one class, also called the sub-class,…

4 years ago

Javascript: Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a way of writing code such that you can create different objects (also called "instances")…

4 years ago

Javascript: Working With Classes

Introduced in ES6 as a major update to the Object Oriented Programming concept in Javascript, Classes are templates for creating…

4 years ago

Null, Undefined and “Not defined” in Javascript

In JavaScript, null, undefined, and not defined are three distinct concepts that refer to different values or states. In this…

4 years ago

Callbacks, Promises and Async Await

Callback functions, Promises, and Async Await are concepts fundamentally used by JavaScript to handle deferred operations. Sometimes an operation could…

4 years ago

React Native: ActivityIndicator

In React Native, an ActivityIndicator displays a loading circular mark which signals to the user that a task is being…

4 years ago

React Native: Make a POST Request Using Fetch

What is a POST Request? The POST request is part of the Http methods which is used as a request…

4 years ago

React Lifecycle Methods: ComponentDidMount

The componentDidMount() lifecycle method is called immediately after a component is mounted or, in simple terms, when that particular component…

4 years ago

React Native: How to add Background Image

As a software developer, there are times when you may need to set background image for your application based on…

4 years ago

Getting Started With React Native: Create a Class Component

The React Library allows you to define components either as classes or functions. These components allow you to split your…

4 years ago

React Native: Remove Item From AsyncStorage

React Native's AsyncStorage provides a light storage system where you can both store and retrieve stored items. But what happens…

4 years ago

Number Class in Java

Usually in Java when we work with numbers, we will represent these numbers with any of the available primitive data…

4 years ago

React Native: Working With State

When working with React, in this case React Native, there are times when you might need a value to be…

4 years ago

Javascript: Rest Parameters

The rest parameter is an ES6 syntax that is used to represent an indefinite number of elements as an array.…

4 years ago

Retrieve Data From AsyncStorage

The AsyncStorage presents a simple and elegant way for React Native developers to store and retrieve data. We've already covered…

4 years ago

React Native: Store Items in AsyncStorage

The AsyncStorage lets you store some reasonable amount of data on users' device. Let's see how we can make that…

4 years ago

React Native: Working With AsyncStorage

According to the React Native docs, AsyncStorage is an unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent key-value storage system that is global to the…

4 years ago

To Reverse A String: StringBuffer in Java

Java provides the StringBuffer and String classes. The String class is used to manipulate character strings that cannot be changed.…

4 years ago

Working With XMLHttpRequest

The XMLHttpRequest is a Javascript object that is used to interact with web servers. The XMLHttpRequest() is a Javascript function…

4 years ago

Working With Fetch API

If you are writing a web application, there is every possibility that at some point you will have to work…

4 years ago

Switch Case

A switch statement gives an expression a value to evaluate and several different statements to execute based on the value…

4 years ago

Debugging Your Javascript Code

Web browsers generally have consoles, which are interactive command lines where you can print text and test pieces of code.…

4 years ago

Pure And Impure Functions in Javascript

Pure Functions A pure function in Javascript is one that given the same input will always return the same output…

4 years ago

Return Statements in Java

In a return statement in Java, we evaluate expressions, and as part of this evaluation, other methods may run in…

4 years ago

Access Modifiers in Java

Modifiers are keywords that are added to variables, methods and classes to change their meaning. There are two (2) types…

4 years ago

Looping in Java

A loop statement allows the programmer to execute a statement or group of statements multiple number of times, based on…

4 years ago

5 Habits of a Security-Conscious Developer

Given the amount of security breaches that go on everyday, there is hardly any security-conscious developer (or any developer for…

4 years ago

Working With Arrays in Java

Arrays refer to a sequential collection of elements of the same type. It is used to store a collection of…

4 years ago

Throw And Throws Exception in Java

Throw Throw is a keyword that is used in Java to declare an exception which is similar to the try/catch…

4 years ago

What are Relational Operators?

Unlike logical operators which connect two or more expressions, relational operators test and establish some type of relation between two…

4 years ago

Template Literals

Template literals allow for embedded expressions and help to solve the complex concatenation problem. They are enclosed by a back-tick…

4 years ago

Logical Operators

“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.” — Harold Abelson, Structure and Interpretation…

4 years ago

5 Network Scanning Tools

Network scanning is the process of identifying, analysing and fixing loopholes and vulnerabilities in a network to prevent a malicious…

4 years ago

Box shadows in CSS

The box shadow property in CSS is used to cast shadow on the frame of elements. It has the following…

4 years ago

Working With Functions

A function is a group of reusable code that can be called anywhere in your program. Functions eliminate the need…

4 years ago

Beginning With React Native

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created and developed by Facebook, Inc. It is used to develop native…

4 years ago

Inheritance in Java

Inheritance in programming is the process whereby one class (also called a sub-class) acquires the properties (methods, fields, etc) of…

4 years ago