
Differences Between Android and iOS Software Development

If you are just entering the software development niche, or even if you are remotely considering that idea, making a…

3 years ago

Working With React Router in React JS

Routing and navigation are inevitable in most software applications The way you would handle routing and navigation in React JS…

3 years ago

React JS: Show And Hide Loading Animation on Button Click

Let's face it: We all hate to be kept waiting, especially when we don't have control over the waiting process.…

3 years ago

How to Clear Pod Cache in React Native

Working with React Native can sometimes be tricky. Sometimes you encounter unexpected errors, at other times your code just won't…

4 years ago

React Native App Intro Slider, Anyone?

Implementing a React Native App Intro Slider in your software application can sometimes be a great idea for many software…

4 years ago

Software Development: Top Tab Navigator With Icons in React Native

The Top Tab Navigator in React Native is one of the most common types of navigation that is used in…

4 years ago

Javascript Get Date Methods You Can Quickly Use

In Javascript, dates are objects and are inbuilt. There are also methods that can be used to access these date…

4 years ago

React Native: Make a POST Request With Axios And Reqres API

When working with React Native applications, you will often want to make API requests and calls either for Login, Registration…

4 years ago

The Things They Carry: An Honest Look into a Software Developer’s Toolbox

First a software developer carries a bag pack of interconnected gadgets - Flash drives, hard disks, PCs or MacBooks, wireless…

4 years ago

React Native: Remove Multiple Items From AsyncStorage

AsyncStorage is used in React Native mobile app development to store items in an unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage way. These stored…

4 years ago

Image Upload With Preview Using PHP’s PDO And jQuery

With PHP we can upload various files to the server depending on the given requirements and specifications. In this tutorial,…

4 years ago

Deep Work For Software Engineers

What is Deep Work? According to Cal Newport, Deep work refers to professional activities that are performed in a state…

4 years ago

Create a PHP Login and Register Form Using PDO And Password Encryption Technique

PDO is an acronym for PHP Data Objects and is a useful alternative to MYSQLI. PHP introduced PHP Data Objects…

4 years ago

Create a WebView in Android Studio: ProgressBar + Swipe to Refresh + Custom Error Page on Network Failure

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes What is a WebView? A WebView is an embeddable browser that helps a native application,…

4 years ago

11 VSCode Shortcuts You Should be Using

Finding an alternative and, at the same time, accelerated way of performing both simple and complex actions as a software…

4 years ago

How to Create a Stack Navigator Using Class Component in React Native

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes According to the React Native Navigation documentation, the StackNavigator provides a way for your app…

4 years ago

What is Github? And Why You Should Integrate it in Your Projects

Github is an internet hosting platform where software developers can host code and collaborate together on any project of their…

4 years ago

7 Javascript Shortcuts You Should Use in Your Next Project

You've probably heard it a lot: Work smart and not hard. That advice couldn't be more legit, especially when it…

4 years ago

JSX for HTML Addicts

JSX stands for Javascript Extension (although most sites like W3 schools refer to it as Javascript XML). JSX is used…

4 years ago

What is Cross-Site Scripting?

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is an attempt to insert malicious markup or untrusted data into values or results that are subsequently…

4 years ago

What is Enterprise Software Development?

Enterprise software development is the process of creating a software or a platform that has functionalities that can help enhance…

4 years ago

How to be a Software Developer – 4 Things to Consider

Software development is currently a popular and alluring career path, no doubt. Knowing how to become a great software developer…

4 years ago

What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is a type of design methodology in which the creator takes an iterative, non-linear and solution-based approach to…

4 years ago

7 Good Reasons Why You Should Learn Software Development

Software development is a process of devising, designing, specifying, programming, testing, debugging and maintaining software applications and its frameworks or…

4 years ago

Understanding SQL Injection Attacks

Understanding SQL Injection Attacks is very paramount to building a secure web application. SQL injection is an attack in which…

4 years ago

What is SSL?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It provides a secured and encrypted layer of privacy to web applications. SSL can…

4 years ago

Create a Diamond-shaped Image in CSS

It is very common to see cropped images in diamond shapes in visual design. But is it possible to create…

4 years ago

Create Diagonal Stripes in CSS

We generally encounter striped design in most websites, magazines and flyers. But a diagonal stripe in CSS? How is that…

4 years ago

Guide to Using React Native WebView

WebView is essentially a component that is used to load a web pages in your React Native project. WebView sometimes…

4 years ago

Function Parameters in PHP | Fast & Easy

Function parameters in PHP are small units of a program which can take some input in the form of parameters…

4 years ago

PHP Arrays

An array is a data structure that stores one or more similar type of values in a single value. For…

4 years ago

PHP Sessions: Count Number of Site Visits

Sessions in PHP are a way to make data accessible across the various pages of an entire website. It is…

4 years ago

Create a Login Form With Node.js & MySQL

In our previous example, we saw how we can create a registration form using Node.js and MySQL. Using that same…

4 years ago

Create a Registration Form With Node.js & MySQL

A registration form is used to collect data from potential users of your website. This is necessary, especially if you…

4 years ago

Node.js: Working With Modules

Modules are generally set of functions that you can include in your application. These could be built-in functions that are…

4 years ago

Getting Started With Node.js

Created by a Joyent software engineer Ryan Dahl in 2009, Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform runtime environment for creating…

4 years ago

What is REST?

REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. REST is a system that allows users to request information from a server via…

4 years ago

Javascript: Class Inheritance

Inheritance is an important concept in Object Oriented Programming. Inheritance is the process whereby one class, also called the sub-class,…

4 years ago

Javascript: Object Oriented Programming

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a way of writing code such that you can create different objects (also called "instances")…

4 years ago

Javascript: Working With Classes

Introduced in ES6 as a major update to the Object Oriented Programming concept in Javascript, Classes are templates for creating…

4 years ago

Null, Undefined and “Not defined” in Javascript

In JavaScript, null, undefined, and not defined are three distinct concepts that refer to different values or states. In this…

4 years ago

Callbacks, Promises and Async Await

Callback functions, Promises, and Async Await are concepts fundamentally used by JavaScript to handle deferred operations. Sometimes an operation could…

4 years ago

React Native: ActivityIndicator

In React Native, an ActivityIndicator displays a loading circular mark which signals to the user that a task is being…

4 years ago

React Native: Make a POST Request Using Fetch

What is a POST Request? The POST request is part of the Http methods which is used as a request…

4 years ago

React Lifecycle Methods: ComponentDidMount

The componentDidMount() lifecycle method is called immediately after a component is mounted or, in simple terms, when that particular component…

4 years ago

React Native: How to add Background Image

As a software developer, there are times when you may need to set background image for your application based on…

4 years ago

Getting Started With React Native: Create a Class Component

The React Library allows you to define components either as classes or functions. These components allow you to split your…

4 years ago

React Native: Remove Item From AsyncStorage

React Native's AsyncStorage provides a light storage system where you can both store and retrieve stored items. But what happens…

4 years ago

Number Class in Java

Usually in Java when we work with numbers, we will represent these numbers with any of the available primitive data…

4 years ago

React Native: Working With State

When working with React, in this case React Native, there are times when you might need a value to be…

4 years ago