Write a static method that takes int number as input argument and returns the sum of the digits of that number.

3 years ago

public CheckSum { public static void main (String []args){ System.out.println(digitSum(45)); public static int digitSum(int number) { int sum = 0;…

Check if Given Number is a Perfect Square in Java

3 years ago

A perfect square is a number that is made by squaring a whole number. For example: 16 is a perfect…

Check If a Number is Palindrome in Java

3 years ago

It is true that Strings can be palindromic in nature. The same can equally be said of numbers. A palindromic…

How to Use External Style Sheet in React Native

3 years ago

Style sheets are very useful in software development as they define both the style and the general look and feel…

Login Form With Toggle Password Visibility in Android Studio: A Step By Step Process

3 years ago

Login forms help give authentication to users of a particular platform, and it is utilised most applications. The toggle password…

How to Revive Your Old React Native Project

3 years ago

React Native is a great library for building awesome applications. But sometimes after downloading a project from Github or moving…

Why the Confirm Password Field is Useless

3 years ago

As design concepts continually evolve, there, at some point in this our evolving design journey, arises the need to sit…

Differences Between Android and iOS Software Development

3 years ago

If you are just entering the software development niche, or even if you are remotely considering that idea, making a…

Working With React Router in React JS

3 years ago

Routing and navigation are inevitable in most software applications The way you would handle routing and navigation in React JS…

React JS: Show And Hide Loading Animation on Button Click

3 years ago

Let's face it: We all hate to be kept waiting, especially when we don't have control over the waiting process.…