React Native: Remove Multiple Items From AsyncStorage

3 years ago

AsyncStorage is used in React Native mobile app development to store items in an unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage way. These stored…

Image Upload With Preview Using PHP’s PDO And jQuery

3 years ago

With PHP we can upload various files to the server depending on the given requirements and specifications. In this tutorial,…

Deep Work For Software Engineers

3 years ago

What is Deep Work? According to Cal Newport, Deep work refers to professional activities that are performed in a state…

Create a PHP Login and Register Form Using PDO And Password Encryption Technique

3 years ago

PDO is an acronym for PHP Data Objects and is a useful alternative to MYSQLI. PHP introduced PHP Data Objects…

Create a WebView in Android Studio: ProgressBar + Swipe to Refresh + Custom Error Page on Network Failure

3 years ago

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes What is a WebView? A WebView is an embeddable browser that helps a native application,…

11 VSCode Shortcuts You Should be Using

3 years ago

Finding an alternative and, at the same time, accelerated way of performing both simple and complex actions as a software…

How to Create a Stack Navigator Using Class Component in React Native

3 years ago

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes According to the React Native Navigation documentation, the StackNavigator provides a way for your app…

What is Github? And Why You Should Integrate it in Your Projects

4 years ago

Github is an internet hosting platform where software developers can host code and collaborate together on any project of their…

7 Javascript Shortcuts You Should Use in Your Next Project

4 years ago

You've probably heard it a lot: Work smart and not hard. That advice couldn't be more legit, especially when it…

JSX for HTML Addicts

4 years ago

JSX stands for Javascript Extension (although most sites like W3 schools refer to it as Javascript XML). JSX is used…